PRESENT PERFECT TENSE - White Plains Public Schools

Deutsch 3
Frau Snell
Unsere Ziele: use the present perfect tense
to describe actions in the past
Wir beginnen!
Was habt ihr letzte Woche gemacht?
Der Unterricht:
Wie man über die Vergangenheit redet
 Perfekt mit regelmäßigen Verben
Zum Schluss:
Sätze schreiben im Perfekt
Habt ihr verstanden?
Change 8 sentences from present tense to present
perfect tense.
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
(Conversational Past)
The present perfect tense in English is: I have played, I
have studied, I have enjoyed.
The present tense in German is built the same way; it
consists of two words – a helping verb and a past
In English, the helping verb is a form of “have” and
the past participle is usually formed by adding an
ending to the main verb: play + -ed.
In German, the helping verb is usually “haben” and
the past participle is usually formed by adding
something to the main verb stem.
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Step 1. HABEN: present tense
In present perfect tense, you will need to
use all the different present tense forms of
“haben”. Let’s review:
ich habe
du hast
er/sie/es hat
wir haben
ihr habt
sie/Sie haben
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
To form the past participle of regular verbs:
1. Find the infinitive form of the verb and
remove the –en ending to get the verb
stem, z.B. spielen  spiel2. Add ge- to the front of the verb stem:
ge + spiel  gespiel3.
Add –t to the end of the verb stem:
gespiel + t  gespielt
So, the past participle of spielen is gespielt.
This form never changes! That’s easy!
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Step 3: Putting them together
 ich
habe gespielt
 du hast gespielt
 er/sie/es hat gespielt
 wir
haben gespielt
 ihr habt gespielt
 sie/Sie haben gespielt
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Let’s try a few other verbs!
 Infinitive:
 Past Participle: _________________________
 Conjugation:
ich _________ ________________
du _________ ________________
er/sie/es ___________ ________________
wir __________ ________________
ihr __________ _________________
sie/Sie ____________ _________________
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Let’s try a few other verbs!
 Infinitive:
 Past Participle: _________________________
 Conjugation:
ich _________ ________________
du _________ ________________
er/sie/es ___________ ________________
wir __________ ________________
ihr __________ _________________
sie/Sie ____________ _________________
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Step 4. Using the present perfect in sentences.
 The
word order in sentences is as follows:
subject  helping verb  everything else  past participle
So, as in other German sentences with two verbs, the
conjugated verb (here, the helping verb) is in 2nd position
(right after the subject) and the other verb (here, the past
participle) is at the very end of the sentence.
Ich habe oft am Donnerstag nach der Schule Klavier gespielt.
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Let’s try doing this!
 Infinitive:
 Past Participle: ____________________
Der Vater / üben / Gitarre.
____ __________ _______ _____________ __________.
 Infinitive:
 Past Participle: ____________________
Die Mutter / arbeiten / im Garten.
_____ __________ ______ _____ ___________ __________
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Here are some other sentences that were in your packet.
 ich
/ antworten / auf viele Fragen
 du / tanzen / mit Jürgen
 Rudi und Karl / kochen / Mittagessen
 malen / Greta und Paula / ein Bild /?
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Verbs ending in -n
Infinitives that end in –n instead of –en just delete
the –n to form the stem of the past participle.
 basteln  bastel- (hat) gebastelt
 sammeln  sammel- (hat) gesammelt
So, now do these sentences:
 Mein Opa / basteln / zu Hause
 Die Kinder / sammeln / Briefmarken / nicht
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Verbs ending in -ieren
Infinitives that end in –ieren do not add ge- to the
front of the stem to form the past participle.
 telefonieren  telefonier- (hat) telefoniert
 fotografieren  fotografier- (hat) fotografiert
So, now do these sentences:
 Er / telefonieren / mit Erika
 Die Eltern / fotografieren / die Kinder
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Yay! You finished phase 1 of learning the
present perfect tense!
That wasn’t so bad, right?
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Habt ihr verstanden?
What are the past participles?
How do you say…?
I have put…
We have called…
You have heard…
Y’all have done…
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past
Hausaufgaben: Put the following sentences
into present perfect.
Wir turnen am Dienstag in der Turnhalle.
Meine Oma macht gern Handarbeit.
Ihr zeltet auf dem Campingplatz.
Du malst ein schönes Bild.
Ich stelle die Lampe auf den Tisch.
Die Kinder packen ihre Koffer.
Mein Bruder kauft einen Computer.
Frau Snell, lernen Sie gern Französisch?
use the present perfect tense to describe actions in the past