Stem-Changing Verbs In German, there are many so called stem

Stem-Changing Verbs
In German, there are many so called stem-changing verbs. This means that the “stem” of the verb
(everything before the ‘en’) will change. Normally it is a vowel change. The most common ones
are: a to ä, e to i, or e to ie. They only change in the ‘du’ and ‘er,sie,es’ form of the verb (think
Oklahoma!) Their conjugations must be memorized!
fahren (to drive) a to ä
ich ____________________ wir _________________________
du _____________________ ihr_________________________
er, sie, es _______________ sie, Sie______________________
gefallen (to like) a to ä
essen (to eat) e to i
ich ________X__________ wir __________X_______________
du ___________________
ihr ___________________________
er, sie, es ______________
sie, Sie _______________________
ich _________________________ wir ___________________________
du _________________________
ihr ___________________________
er, sie, es ____________________
sie, Sie _______________________
geben (to give) e to i
ich __________________ wir ___________________________
du __________________
ihr ___________________________
Es gibt = There is/are
er, sie, es _____________
sie, Sie _______________________
sprechen (to speak) e to i
ich _______________________ wir________________________
du________________________ ihr ________________________
er, sie, es _________________ sie, Sie _____________________
sehen (to see, look) e to ie
ich ___________________ wir ___________________________
du ___________________
ihr ___________________________
er, sie, es ___________________
sie, Sie ________________________
See pages 196-197 in book for more information: Password: zrptmgk
Stem-Changing Verbs
lesen (to read) e to ie
nehmen (to take) e to ie
ich ___________________ wir ___________________________
du ___________________
ihr ___________________________
er, sie, es ______________
sie, Sie _______________________
ich ___________________ wir ___________________________
du ___________________
ihr ___________________________
er, sie, es ______________
sie, Sie _______________________
Übung. Translate the following sentences into German:
He is driving to Florida._________________________________________________________
I* (use mir) like the shirt._________________________________________________________
What are you (du) eating?_________________________________________________________
You (du) give me a headache.______________________________________________________
Do you (du) speak German?_______________________________________________________
We see the car._________________________________________________________________
You all are reading Faust._________________________________________________________
He is taking the bus to work.______________________________________________________
Are you all driving to school?______________________________________________________
Do you* (use dir) like my shoes?___________________________________________________
The girl is eating fries.___________________________________________________________
There is a hole in my heart.________________________________________________________
Do you (formal) speak English?____________________________________________________
Rick Steves is watching you.______________________________________________________
What book are you reading?_______________________________________________________
My wife takes my money._________________________________________________________
See pages 196-197 in book for more information: Password: zrptmgk