Honors German 7-8 Coversheet Name: May 2016 – Month 9 Kapitel

Honors German 7-8 Coversheet
May 2016 – Month 9
Name: _________________
Kapitel 35 Der Umwelt Zuliebe (Fokus Textbook)
Discover how environmental consciousness emerged in Germany
Discuss all the things you can do to protect the environment
Create a blog or website (format – not actual) about “Die Umwelt,” (The Environment)
and what you/we need to do now to protect it for future generations!
Grammar Review:
Review: Passive case / Passivs; Future tense using the verb werden. Futur mit werden.
Im Fokus Textbook: P. 240-241 Read “Landeskunde in Kürze” “Wandern – mit offenen Augen”
Wortschatz/Vocabulary: P. 247 Substantive, Verben, Adjektive und Adverbien
Workbook P. 161-2 B; C P. 164 F; P. 166 E; F P. 169 E Passiv; P. 172 J Futur; P. 173 K
Crossword: Die Umwelt
Blog/Website: Die Umwelt - see attached Rubric.
Weekly Schedule:
4/27 Read/discuss: Review Vokabeln P. 232-3 A, B, C – Start work on Blog/Website
5/4 Quiz Wortschatz; / Review Passiv und Futur / Continue work on Blog/Website
5/11 Quiz Passiv / Futur / Read/discuss: P. 240-1 “Wandern mit offenen Augen”
5/18 End of Unit Exam, Blog/Website sharing
5/20 – Month 9 work due no later than 3:05 PM
Checklist: ___ P. 161-2 B; C; ___P. 164 F; P; ____P.169 E; ____ P. 172 J; ____P. 173 K
____ Crossword ___ Blog/Website link or paper copy
Month 9 Grade values:
Unit Exam 30 %; Workbook/Crossword Assignments 30 %; Blog/Website 40 %