Arch.Geflügelk., 72 (2). S. 75–83, 2008, ISSN 0003-9098. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart Effects of heat conditioning at d 16 to 18 of incubation or during early broiler rearing on embryo physiology, post-hatch growth performance and heat tolerance Einfluss einer Temperaturbelastung zwischen dem 16. und 18. Bruttag oder in den ersten Tagen während der Aufzucht auf die Physiologie, das Wachstum nach dem Schlupf und die Hitzetoleranz des Embryos K. Tona1, O. Onagbesan2*, V. Bruggeman2, A. Collin3, C. Berri3, M. J. Duclos3, S. Tesseraud3, J. Buyse2, E. Decuypere2 and S. Yahav4 Manuskript eingegangen am 5. Mai 2007, angenommen am 23. Juni 2007 Introduction It is well known that cells preincubated at sublethal high temperatures can survive longer when exposed to lethal temperatures. In addition heat shock response, regulated to some extent by heat shock proteins, is necessary for the acquisition of induced thermotolerance in chickens (YAHAV et al., 1997). According to YAHAV and MCMURTRY, (2001), the main idea behind the thermal conditioning process is to incorporate thermoregulatory threshold response changes that enable chickens to cope, within certain limits, with acute exposure to unexpected heat spells. Since the technique of temperature conditioning takes advantage of the immaturity of the temperature regulation mechanism in the young chick (DUNNINGTON and SIEGEL, 1984), it is hypothesised that a potentially better thermotolerance could be induced in the developing mechanism of thermoregulation by early conditioning during incubation or through a combination of this pre-hatch conditioning with early post-hatch conditioning. YAHAV and HURWITZ, (1996) reported that thermal conditioning at an early age post-hatch has a negative effect on early performance followed by an accelerated growth leading to regular or higher body weight at slaughter age. The combination of short-term exposure to heat during the first week and feed restriction during the second week resulted in slow growth rate followed by a catch up growth at the end of the second week (YAHAV and PLAVNIK, 1999). ARJONA et al., (1990) reported that broiler cockerels conditioned to neonatal heat (35–37.8°C for 24 hr) at 5 days of age had significantly lower mortality when exposed afterwards to elevated temperatures (35–37.8°C) at 43 days of age. Reports of different studies have shown that epigenetic thermal conditioning can be applied at different periods during the 11th to the 18th d of incubation (IQBAL et al., 1Department of Animal Production, School of Agriculture, University of Lome, Togo 2Lab for Physiology and Immunology of Domestic Animals, Katholieke Univer- siteit Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium 3SRA, INRA, Nouzilly, France 4Institute of Animal Science, ARO The Vulcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 1990, MORAES et al., 2003, 2004, YAHAV et al., 2004a, 2004b) and that a temperature of 38.5 – 39.5°C may elicit optimum beneficial effects at the 16th to the 18th d of incubation (YAHAV et al., 2004a, 2004b). Reports also suggest that post-hatch heat conditioning using a temperature of 36°C or 37.5°C had maximal effect on heat tolerance and body weight gain to slaughter age when applied at 3 d of age (YAHAV and MCMURTRY, 2001). A recent study also suggests an accelerated growth at 4 d of age in chicks heat conditioned both between the 16th and the 18th d of incubation and at 3 d post-hatch compared to control chicks (COLLIN et al., 2005). Up to date, the long-term efficiency of pre-hatch and post-hatch heat conditioning has only been tested in separate experiments. Thus the relative effectiveness of each of these treatments remains unknown. Furthermore, it is worth testing to ascertain whether a combination of pre- and post-hatch thermal conditioning may yield further improvement in the benefits of heat conditioning. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of heat conditioning from 16th to 18th d of incubation and at 3 d post-hatch, separately and in combination, on post-hatch broiler body temperatures and production performance parameters including heat challenge tolerance at slaughter age as well as on some embryo and chick physiological parameters that could explain the observed effects. These parameters include blood parameters, gas pressures in egg air chamber and embryonic heat production. Material and Methods Experimental Design A total of 900 eggs produced by Cobb broiler breeders of 45 weeks of age were used for this study. The eggs were weighed and incubated at 37.6°C, 50% relative humidity (RH) and turned once an hour at an angle of 90°. On the 14th day of incubation, eggs were candled and all clear eggs were removed from the incubator. At the beginning of the 16th d of incubation, the incubated eggs were randomly divided into two groups each of equal number of eggs; the control (C) and the thermally conditioned (T) groups. From the 16th to the end of the 18th d, the eggs of the T group (3 replications of 108 eggs) were subjected to temperature conditioning (39.5°, 65% RH) while those of the 76 Tona et al.: Pre- and post-hatch conditioning for heat tolerance C group (3 replications of 108 eggs) were kept at standard incubation conditions (37.6°C, 50% RH). The thermal conditioning was carried out from 12.00 to 15.00 h at d 16, 17 and 18 of incubation. The regular incubation (37°C and 50% RH) was carried out in one incubator (Pasreform, Zedam, The Nederland) whereas the thermal conditioning (39.5°C and RH 65%) was carried out in another (Karl Weiss Giessen, Germany). At the beginning of the 19th d of incubation, the eggs were transferred from turning trays to hatching baskets. At the internal pipping stage (IP), sample of eggs with evidence of living embryos were used for gas partial pressure measurement in the air chamber. Also, from the end of d 18 until the end of incubation, sample of eggs were used to determine embryo heat production (HP). Between d 19.75 and d 21.25, the number of hatched chicks was recorded every hour. After hatching and feather dryness (approximately 2 h post hatch) each chick was taken out from the incubator for immediate measurements, recorded in the following order: body (rectal) temperature (Tb) and body weight (BW). After the measurements and for each incubation condition, chicks were divided into two groups. The time interval of hatch was used to calculate incubation duration for individual egg as the total number of hours from setting to hatch. Figure 1 shows the scheme of the treatments applied to different groups at different ages. Chicks were raised under regular heat conditions (32° ± 1°C). At the age of 3 d, half of the chicks of the T group (T) were subjected to thermal conditioning and designated as TT. The other half of the T chicks were used as control for the TT treatment and designated as TC. Similarly, half of the chicks of the C group were subjected to thermal conditioning at 3 d post-hatch and designated as CT, while the other half served as control and designated as CC. Thermal conditioning at this stage was done at 41.0°C for 6 hours, while the control groups (CC and TC) continued to be exposed to the regular conditions (32 ± 1°C). During the last hour of the post-hatch thermal T reatments’ stage Gas pressure measurements At internal pipping (IP), samples of 6 eggs per replication were used to measure CO2 and O2 partial pressure in the air chamber. These measurements were done directly in the air cell of the eggs by means of a blood gas analyzer (Type 1610; Instrumentation Laboratories, Lexington, Illinois 1306) for the measurement of pCO2 and pO2 (DEWIL et al., 1996; BUYS et al., 1998; TONA et al., 2003). Measurement of blood parameters Blood samples were collected from 6 embryos per replication at the IP stage, 15 chicks/treatment at 1, 3, and 42 d-old post-hatch. In the 42 d old broilers, blood samples were obtained before and at 1- 2hr before the end of heat challenge. Blood samples were used to determine plasma T3 and corticosterone levels. The T3 concentrations were measured in plasma samples by radioimmunoassay (RIA) as described previously (HUY- T reatments E mbryonic stage: d 16 to d 18 3 d post-hatch conditioning, Tb and BW of 20 chicks per treatment were recorded and blood samples from the jugular veins were collected from 15 chicks. The 4 groups of broilers were reared until 42 d of age. All chicks were raised within the same environmentally controlled poultry house. Chicks were reared under a photoperiod of 23 h light and 1 h darkness. The birds were fed ad libitum on a standard commercial pelleted diet of 2,800 kcal metabolizable energy and 18% of crude protein and 3100 kcal metabolizable energy and 20% of crude protein respectively for starters (1–14 d) and growers (15–42 d). Thermal challenge was conducted in the same room and at the same time for all four groups. During this study, 50 broilers randomly selected per treatment were weighed at 7, 14, 28 and 42 d. At the end of 42 d, 50 chickens per treatment were subjected to thermal challenge of 35°C for 6 h to evaluate heat tolerance. During the challenge, mortality was recorded. C C (CC) T C (CT ) C (T C) T (T T ) 42 d post-hatch Heat Challenge C = control with no thermal treatment applied; T = T hermal treatment applied. Nomenclature in brackets represents the combination of treatments at a particular stage of development. Figure 1. Scheme of thermal treatments applied at embryonic stage, 3 d and 42 d post-hatch Schema der Temperaturbelastungen, die im Embryonalstadium, 3 Tage sowie 42 Tage nach dem Schlupf durchgeführt wurden Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 Tona et al.: Pre- and post-hatch conditioning for heat tolerance et al., 1989; DARRAS et al., 1992). Antisera and T3 standard was purchased from Byk-Belga (Germany). Intra-assay coefficient of variation was 4.5%. All samples were run in the same assay in order to avoid the inter-assay variability. Corticosterone concentrations in plasma samples were measured using a commercially available double antibody RIA-kit from IDS Ltd (Boldon, England) (DECUYPERE et al., 1983; MEEUWIS et al., 1989). All samples were run in the same assay in order to avoid inter-assay variability. BRECHTS Heat production From the beginning of d 19 of incubation until the end of incubation (508 h), 2 replications of 40 eggs from each treatment were transferred into the respiratory cells in order to measure O2 consumption and CO2 production for the calculation of heat production (HP). Eggs were weighed before and after being placed in the respiratory cells. Average egg weights were not different between the C and T groups. The respiration cells were placed in duplicate in 2 separate climatic chambers set at 37°C and 50% relative humidity. O2 consumption and CO2 production based on paramagnetic and infrared measures, respectively, were continuously measured as previously described by BUYSE et al., (1998). Airflow at standardized conditions for pressure, temperature and relative humidity were measured. Heat production was calculated according to the formula of ROMIJN and LOKHORST, (1961) as previous described by BUYSE et al., (1998) where HP (KJ/h) = 16.18 * O2 consumed (l/h) + 5.02 * CO2 produced (l/h). Statistical analysis The data were processed with the statistical software package SAS version 8.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 27513-2414). Generalized linear regression was used to analyse plasma T3 and corticosterone concentrations, incubation durations, body temperature and body weights in relation to incubator conditions x heat treatment during post-hatch growth treatments. When the means of the general model were statistically different, then these means were further compared using Tukey’s test. Logistic regression model was used to analyse mortality according to the treatments. P value of 0.05 was retained as the degree of significance. 77 Results Blood parameters Table 1 shows corticosterone and T3 levels at IP and at hatch (Table 1A), at 3 d post-hatch (Table 1B) according to thermal conditioning treatments during incubation or heat conditioning at 3 d post-hatch. At IP, T3 levels in the embryos of eggs from control (C) group were higher than those of embryos from the heat conditioned eggs (T) group (P < 0.05). At hatch, T3 levels were similar between groups. From IP to hatch corticosterone levels increased in both groups (Table 1A; P < 0.01). At IP and at hatch, corticosterone levels of embryos or chicks from T group of eggs were lower to those from C group of eggs (P < 0.01). At 3 d post-hatch, T3 levels were similar among all groups (CC, CT, TC and TT) regardless of the previous treatments during incubation and post-hatch heat treatment. However, in the chicks from the eggs that were not heat conditioned during incubation (C), corticosterone concentrations were higher in chicks that were heat conditioned for the first time (CT) compared to the CC group that were not heat treated, (P < 0.05). In the chicks from eggs that received heat conditioning during incubation (T), additional heat conditioning at 3 d (TT) had no significant effect on corticosterone levels compared to those that were not conditioned for a second time (TC). Overall, the second conditioning increased corticosterone levels at 3 d while the prenatal conditioning decreased corticosterone levels at IP and at hatch. Table 2 shows the T3 and corticosterone concentrations of broilers before and after heat challenge at 42 d of age. At this stage, T3 levels were similar between groups before heat challenge. Heat challenge caused a decrease in T3 levels in the TC group such that levels became lower than in the CT and TT but remained comparable to those of the CC. Before heat challenge, corticosterone levels were lower in the postnatally conditioned groups (CT and TT) than in the unconditioned groups (P < 0.05). Heat challenge increased corticosterone levels in the CT and TT (P < 0.05) but not in the CC and TC such that corticosterone levels were similar between all groups after challenge. Table 1. Corticosterone and T3 levels according to incubation treatments (IT). A) Hormone levels of embryos at internal pipping (IP) in the control (C) and thermally conditioned (T) eggs. B) Hormone levels at 3 d post hatch in the control (C) and thermally conditioned (T) or heat challenged chicks. Kortikosteron- und T3-Spiegel in Abhängigkeit von den Brutbedingungen (IT). A) Hormonspiegel der Embryonen beim Anpicken (IP) in der Kontrollgruppe (C) und bei Temperaturbelastung (T). B) Hormonspiegel der Küken drei Tage nach dem Schlupf in der Kontrollgruppe (C) und bei Temperaturbelastung (T) A. At internal piping stage (IP)(n=18 per treatment) and at hatch (n=15 per treatment) B. At 3 d post-hatch according to heat challenge treatments at 3 d (n=15 per treatment) Stages IT T3 (ng/mL) Corticosterone (ng/mL) IT 3 d post-hatch T3 (ng/mL) IP C T C T 4.79 ± 0.46a 3.51 ± 0.49b 3.38 ± 0.39 3.73 ± 0.47 10.48± 1.52 a 7.99 ± 0.47 b 13.00± 0.82 a 10.42 ± 1.20 b C C (CC) T (CT) C (TC) T (TT) 2.81 ± 0.36 3.23 ± 0.41 3.14 ± 0.22 2.58 ± 0.30 Hatch T Corticosterone (ng/mL) 13.51± 0.92 b 16.10± 1.37 a 14.42± 1.79 ab 16.10 ± 1.55 a a, b At each stage and within column, data sharing no common letter a, b Within column, data sharing no common letter are different are different (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05). Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 78 Tona et al.: Pre- and post-hatch conditioning for heat tolerance Table 2. Corticosterone and T3 levels according to incubation treatment (IT), heat conditioning at d 3 post-hatch and heat challenge (HC) at 42 d post-hatch (n=15 per group). Kortikosteron- und T3-Spiegel in Abhängigkeit von den Brutbedingungen (IT), der Temperaturbelastung drei Tage nach dem Schlupf (HC) und der Hitzebelastung am 42. Tag nach dem Schlupf (n=15 je Gruppe) Groups: treatments during incubation and at 3 d post-hatch T3 (ng/mL) Before HC 0.79 ± 0.12 0.90 ± 0.17 0.78 ± 0.10 0.64 ± 0.10 CC CT TC TT Corticosterone (ng/mL) Before HC After HC After HC 10.35 ± 1.40 a 7.47 ± 1.06 b 10.20 ± 1.63 a 6.81 ± 0.80 b 0.75 ± 0.10 ab 0.93 ± 0.07 a 0.66 ± 0.06 b 1.01 ± 0.28 a 9.44 ± 1.35 a 9.37 ± 0.85 a* 9.93 ± 1.23 a 10.44 ± 0.89 a* a, b Within column, data sharing no common letter are different and * indicates the difference between data before heat and after heat (P < 0.05). Gas pressures and heat production The partial pressures of CO2 or O2 at IP were similar between groups (data not shown). Respiratory quotients (RQ) during the last 3 d of incubation (456 – 510 h of incubation) were similar between groups. Since the average egg weights were not different between the C and T groups, HP was expressed as HP/h/egg. Figure 2 shows that the heat production (HP) of the eggs for C group was higher than that of the eggs from T group (P<0.05). Also, the difference in heat production between the groups increased with increasing incubation duration. The average heat production of the C and T groups were 1.58 ± 0.05 and 1.13 ± 0.03 kJ/h/egg for C and T groups, respectively, at the end of the 510th h of incubation (p < 0.05). Incubation duration and chick body temperature Table 3 indicates that chick body temperatures (Tb) at hatch were lower than those at 3 d post-hatch (P < 0.05). Heat production (K J/h) 2,5 At hatch, average Tb of the C group was higher compared to that of the T group (P < 0.002). At 3 d post-hatch, the Tb of the TC and TT chicks were higher than the Tb of the CC with that of the CT group being intermediate (P = 0.022). Table 4 shows the incubation duration according to the egg treatments during incubation. Thermal conditioning during incubation increased incubation duration by almost 2 h compared to the control group (P < 0.05). However, the Table 3. Chick body temperatures (Tb)(°C) at hatch and during heat challenge at 3 days post-hatch according to the treatments (n=20 per group). Körpertemperatur der Küken (Tb)(°C) beim Schlupf und während der Hitzebelastung drei Tage nach dem Schlupf in Abhängigkeit von Temperaturbehandlung (n=20 je Gruppe) Thermal conditioning during incubation Groups Tb (at hatch) C 37.26 ± 0.09a T 36.81 ± 0.12b P values 0.002 2 1,5 Cont T 1 CC CT TC TT 40.99 ± 0.06b 41.07 ± 0.04 ab 41.19 ± 0.07a 41.10 ± 0.07 a 0.022 a, b Within column, data sharing no common letter are different (P < 0.05). 0,5 0 450 Thermal conditioning at 3 d post-hatch Groups Tb (at 3 d post-hatch) 460 470 480 490 500 510 I ncubation duration (h) Figure 2. Heat production according to the incubation duration and heat conditioning groups (n=80 eggs per treatment; two replications of 40 eggs per treatment). Each data point represents the mean heat production/hr/egg calculated from the O2 consumption and CO2 production during 456th – 510th hr of the incubation period. Mean egg weights were not significantly different between the C and T eggs. Wärmeproduktion in Abhängigkeit von der Brutdauer und der Temperaturbelastung (n=80 Eier je Behandlung; 2 Wiederholungen von 40 Eiern je Behandlung). Jeder Datenpunkt stellt die durchschnittliche Wärmeproduktion/h/Ei dar, berechnet aus dem Sauerstoffverbrauch und der CO2-Produktion während der 456. und 510. Stunde der Brut. Die durchschnittlichen Eigewichte unterschieden sich nicht zwischen den Behandlungen C und T. Table 4. Spread of hatch and incubation duration according to egg treatments during incubation Verteilung der Schlupfzeitpunkte und Brutdauern für die Temperaturbehandlungen während der Brut Spread of hatch 25% of hatch 50% of hatch 75% of hatch 100% of hatch Average incubation duration (h) Thermal conditioned eggs (T) Control eggs (C) 482.89 ± 0.44 b 485.42 ± 0.36 b 487.63 ± 0.37 b 489.69 ± 0.39 b 484.32 ± 0.41 a 487.48 ± 0.43 a 489.63 ± 0.41 a 491.58 ± 0.42 a a, b Within row, data sharing no common letter are different (P < 0.05). Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 Tona et al.: Pre- and post-hatch conditioning for heat tolerance 79 Table 5. Body weights (g) from 3 to 42 days post-hatch according to the treatments (n=50 broilers per treatment/age). Körpergewichte (g) zwischen dem 3. und 42. Tag nach dem Schlupf in Abhängigkeit von den Behandlungen (n=50 Broiler je Behandlung und Alter) Broiler ages (d) Groups CC 3 7 14 28 42 77.94 a 147.66 a 403.89 a 1513.61 a 2793.43 ab ± 2.03 ± 1.24 ± 4.20 ± 34.65 ± 72.68 CT 75.67 a 144.24 a 398.75 a 1495.65 a 2669.47b TC ± 2.14 ± 3.42 ± 7.72 ± 10.49 ± 50.76 76.93a 144.24 a 395.56 a 1460.14 b 2964.17 a ± 2.48 ± 2.81 ± 5.68 ± 12.40 ± 84.89 TT 75.3a 148.08 a 414.93 a 1557.78 a 2704.66b ± 2.77 ± 2.53 ± 6.42 ± 11.45 ± 33.98 a, b, c Within rows, values sharing no common letters are different (P < 0.05). spread of hatch (dispersion around the average) was similar between treatments. At the end of the incubation period, the hatchability of fertile eggs was not different between the C and T groups (91.26% vs 90.82% respectively). Egg weights at setting, 1-day-old chick and broiler weights, body temperature and mortality after heat challenge at 42 d Egg weights at setting (C = 69.56 ± 0.22 vs T = 70.06 ± 0.16) and 1-d-old chick weights (C = 52.80 ± 0.14 vs T = 51.96 ± 0.82) were not significantly different between treatments (C vs T). Table 5 shows broiler BW from d 3 to d 42 according to the treatments. During the first 14 d of rearing, BW was similar between groups. At 28 d of age, the BW was lower in the TC than in the three other groups (P < 0.05). At 42 d of age, the highest BW was obtained in the TC group which was almost 300 g higher than that of the CT and TT groups. In terms of weight gain (data not shown), the broilers from TC group grew better from d 28 to d 42 compared to those of other groups (P < 0.05). Table 6 shows broiler mortality after 6 h of heat challenge at 42 d-old. Prenatal heat treatment (TC group) dramatically increased mortality during heat challenge while early postnatal heat exposure decreased mortality during heat challenge at 42 d post-hatch in both control chickens (CT) and the chickens that were heat-treated during incubation and at 3 d post-hatch (TT). Discussion The present study provides significant information about the differential effects of thermal conditioning either during incubation and/or at 3 d post-hatch on performance and related thermotolerance parameters during the final part of embryogenesis and growth phase of the broilers. Heat conditioning during incubation obviously lowered T3 and corticosterone levels at IP. This may explain the longer incubation duration of thermally conditioned embryos. Although based on the fact that embryos were reacting as poikilotherm organisms, according to the law of Van’t Hoff, the reverse should have been expected. It was expected that conditioning would have increased metabolism and therefore a shorter incubation period. IGBAL et al., (1990) and LOH et al., (2004) reported a shorter incubation duration when eggs were exposed to pre-hatch heat treatment. In the current experiment, the heat production of the T group was lower as a consequence of the lower T3 levels. Even though the T3 levels of the T group had been restored to normal levels at hatch, corticosterone levels were still low with a consequence on body temperatures Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 being lower in the T chicks. These changes did not affect body weights at hatch significantly. The changes in triiodothyronine and corticosterone levels after heat conditioning in ovo in this study are consistent with a previous finding of MORAES et al., (2004). YAHAV et al., (2004a) reported lower T3 and body temperatures at hatch in chicks that were heat conditioned during incubation. Although these authors did not measure corticosterone levels or heat production in the embryos, the lower T3 and body temperatures may suggest lower heat production. The similarity in corticosterone levels between the control groups (CC and TC) before and after heat challenge at 42 d post-hatch suggests that the effects of prenatal heat treatment did not last until 42 d of age. It may suggest that d 16 to 18 of embryogenesis does not create lasting thermotolerance alteration as previously reported by COLLIN et al., (2005). In contrast, the increase in corticosterone levels after heat challenge at 42 d post-hatch in chicks thermally conditioned at 3 d post-hatch (CT and TT) may be due to a consistent effect of high temperature on neurohormonal activity leading to low levels of corticosterone but enabling them to react with an increased corticosterone upon stress in order to cope with the stressor. This may be an indication of low basal stress and metabolic levels of the broilers from these groups before the heat challenge at 42 d. Thermotolerance partly involves the modulation of heat production through changes in circulating T3 and T4 (Yahav and MCMURTRY, 2001; MINNE and DECUYPERE, 1984; DECUYPERE et al., 1979). The difference in incubation duration between the heat conditioned embryos (T) and the control group (C) suggests that heat treatment between d 16 and d 18 of incubation had a bearing on embryonic develop- Table 6. Mortality during heat challenge at 42 d post-hatch according to incubation treatment (IT) or heat conditioning at 3 d post-hatch (n=50 broilers per treatment). Mortalität während der Hitzebelastung am 42. Tag nach dem Schlupf in Abhängigkeit von den Brutbedingungen (IT) oder der Hitzebelastung am 3. Tag nach dem Schlupf (n=50 Broiler je Behandlung) IT 3 d post-hatch C CC CT TC TT T Mortality (%) 20.00 b 4.00 c 68.18 a 29.17 b 80 Tona et al.: Pre- and post-hatch conditioning for heat tolerance ment and hatching process. This may be a consequence of the downregulation of T3 and corticosterone, both of which have been implicated in embryo metabolism and hatching process (TONA et al., 2003; DECUYPERE et al., 1979; MUAMBI et al., 1981; OCKLEFORD et al., 1983; HYLKA et al., 1986). The major interest of this study was to determine whether thermal conditioning during embryogenesis and at early post-hatch period, would further enhance thermotolerance during their life span. YAHAV, (2000) and YAHAV and MCMURTRY, (2001) reported that thermal conditioning at 3 d of age post-hatch resulted in optimum thermoregulatory threshold response. In this study, heat conditioning at 3 d caused significant increase in corticosterone levels in chicks that received heat treatments for the first time at 3 d but not to the same extent as those previously conditioned during embryogenesis. It is clear from the present results that conditioning at d 3 had no effect on T3 levels in chicks treated for the first time compared to chicks pre-conditioned during embryonic development (see Table 1). Except that body temperatures were higher in the chicks previously conditioned at the embryo stage, heat treatment at 3 d had no effect on body temperatures. These data suggest that different mechanisms may be involved in the acquisition of thermotolerance at different stages of conditioning. Combining heat conditioning at incubation and at 3 d changed corticosterone levels and body temperatures but not beyond those obtained with the separate treatments and had no effect on T3 levels. It has to be noted that the changes in corticosterone levels during pre- and post-hatch thermal conditioning were in opposite directions of the control treatment. The consequences of these directional changes may not be ignored. Whereas an increase resulting from posthatch conditioning improved heat tolerance at d 42, a decrease resulting from prehatch conditioning caused a strong negative effect. YAHAV et al., (2004) reported a downregulation of corticosterone during pre-hatch (d16 – d18) thermal conditioning. MORAES et al., (2004) reported an increase when conditioning was carried out from d13 – d18. Consistently, however, T3 or T4 has been shown to reduce during thermal conditioning irrespective of the timing during incubation (YAHAV et al. 2004a,b; MORAES et al., 2004). The comparative levels of mortality between the groups after heat challenge at 42 d suggest that thermal conditioning at 3 d may be the best method for acquiring thermotolerance in broilers. This is in agreement with the previous finding of YAHAV and MCMURTRY, (2001). With the highest mortality during the challenge, broilers from heat-conditioned embryos did not acquire any tolerance to heat. This finding contrast with those reported previously by MORAES et al., (2003, 2004) although the timing of conditioning was different from that of the current study. Our results suggest that d16-d18 may not be the appropriate period for inducing thermal conditioning that would last until 42 d post-hatch. This is consistent with the result of a similar experiment that showed higher mortality during thermal challenge in chickens similarly heat-conditioned during incubation (COLLIN et al., 2006). Previous studies have shown that the perturbation of embryo physiological processes especially around d 16 of incubation leads to severe changes in embryo developmental processes that would impact on chick quality, survivability, hatchability, and post-hatch growth (TONA et al., 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006; HEIBLUM et al., 2001). However, we did not record any teratogenic effects using these days. Thermal conditioning of the chicks at 3 d post-hatch after a previous exposure during incubation actually seemed to have rescued the thermoregulatory controls to reduce the effect of heat challenge on mortality. The chickens that were able to react to stressors with an increase in corticosterone had a lower mortality after heat challenge while higher mortality was obtained in those that could not react with increased corticosterone. Incidentally, those chickens that were conditioned post hatch were those that could manipulate their corticosterone levels for thermotolerance (i.e. the CT). It can only be assumed that the lower mortality in the TT group compared with the TC was due to the post hatch conditioning that reversed the effect of the early conditioning. The mechanism for thermotolerance in the CT and TT did not seem to involve the thyroid axis. Why the embryonic exposure (TC) resulted in an increased mortality after heat challenge at 42 d may not be fully related with corticosterone although there were negative changes during the conditioning process at incubation but perhaps partly with the catch up growth that was observed between 28 and 42 d. The TC group had a very fast growth during this last two weeks. The additional heat load from the heat challenge at 42 d may therefore have caused this spiking mortality that was observed in this group that showed the fastest growth (1500 g) between 28 and 42 d. The reasons why the TC birds were unable to manipulate both T3 and corticosterone levels to tolerate the heat challenge are unclear even though some changes (higher body temperature, lower T3) that have been previously associated with the acquisition of long-term thermotolerance were observed during heat conditioning at incubation. It is not clear from this study whether the effect of thermal conditioning during incubation on the growth of broiler chickens was due to differential muscle cell proliferation or gastrointestinal development. UNI et al., (2001) reported that an early thermal manipulation enhanced the development of the gastrointestinal tract and led to heavier broilers. HALEVY et al., (2001) pointed out that muscle weight is linked to enhanced proliferation and accelerated differentiation of satellite cells. Because thermal conditioning during incubation induced changes in T3 and especially HP levels but increased BW at slaughter age, it is suggested that thermal manipulation during embryonic life may result in changes of kinetics of satellite cell proliferation. In contrast to the previous reports of YAHAV and MCMURTRY, (2001), we did not observe an enhanced body weight in the CT broilers, but rather in the TC broilers. It can be concluded that temperature treatment during incubation or during post-hatch life induces completely different effects. Thermal conditioning from d 16 to d 18 of incubation, although prolonged incubation duration, improved BW at slaughter age but did not induce thermotolerance at 42 d. The combination of thermal conditioning during incubation with that at 3 d post-hatch does not induce thermotolerance ability. However, single heat challenge at 3 d post-hatch contributed to thermotolerance ability at 42 d. From the results of this study, it can be hypothesized that the period at which thermal conditioning was applied during incubation was not during the sensitive phase for thermotolerance improvement. Therefore, further investigations are required to define more precisely the appropriate incubation stage when thermal conditioning can be beneficial for thermotolerance at slaughter age and whether one can even use the concept of thermal conditioning during incubation (before the emergence of a homeothermic response) at all. Acknowledgements K. Tona was granted a-postdoctoral fellow from KULeuven during this study. V. Bruggeman has a postdoctoral FWO-grant from the Fund for Scientific research Flanders, Belgium. Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 Tona et al.: Pre- and post-hatch conditioning for heat tolerance 81 Key words unterworfen. Die andere Hälfte der Eier diente als Kontrolle (C) und wurde unter Standardbedingungen weiter bebrütet. Zwischen dem Ende das 18. Bruttags und der gesamten Brut wurden die Wärmeproduktion des Embryos (HP), der Gaspartialdruck in der Luftkammer zum Zeitpunkt des Anpickens (IP) und verschiedene Blutparameter (T3 und Kortikosteron) bestimmt. Ferner wurden der individuelle Schlupfzeitpunkt, die Körpertemperatur (Tb) und das Gewicht (BW) der Küken sowie die Anzahl geschlüpfter Küken erfasst. Die geschlüpften Küken wurden unter Standardbedingungen aufgezogen. Im Alter von 3 Tagen wurden die Küken der beiden unterschiedlichen Brutbehandlungen in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt: Die eine Hälfte jeder Vorbehandlungsgruppe wurde einer Hitzebelastung (41°C über 6 Stunden) unterworfen. Die andere Hälfte diente als Kontrolle. Die 4 Broilergruppen wurden bis zum 42. Tag weiter aufgezogen. In der Aufzuchtphase nach dem Schlupf wurden erneut die Körpertemperatur, die Blutparameter und das Körpergewicht erfasst. Am 42. Lebenstag wurden alle Broiler einer Hitzebelastung (35°C für 6 Stunden) unterzogen. Nach der Hitzebelastung wurden die Mortalität erfasst und Blutproben gezogen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Temperaturbelastung während der Brut zwar keinen Einfluss auf die Schlupffähigkeit der Eier hatte, aber die Brutdauer verlängert wurde, der T3-Spiegel zum Zeitpunkt des Anpickens, der Kortikosteron-Spiegel sowohl zum Zeitpunkt des Anpickens als auch zum Schlupfzeitpunkt sowie HP und Tb abnahmen. Am dritten Tag nach dem Schlupf war der Kortikosteron-Spiegel in Abhängigkeit von den Bedingungen vor dem Schlupf höher, während die Bedingungen nach dem Schlupf zu einer Abnahme der Kortikosteron-Spiegel führten. Die Hitzebelastung am 42. Tag nach dem Schlupf verminderte die T3-Spiegel bei der Behandlung TC und erhöhte den Kortikosteron-Spiegel in der nach dem Schlupf konditionierten Gruppe. Unterschiede zwischen den Körpergewichten konnten ab dem 28. Tag nach der Brut in der folgenden Reihenfolge beobachtet werden: TT > CC = CT > TC. Am 42. Lebenstag wiesen die Broiler der Behandlung TC die höchsten Körpergewichte auf. Die Hitzebelastung am 3. Lebenstag verbesserte die Reaktion auf die Hitzebelastung am 42. Tag in positiver Weise und verbesserte so die Hitzetoleranz, während sich die Behandlungen während der Brut deutlich negativ auswirkten. Es kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass eine Temperaturbelastung während der Brut völlig andere Auswirkungen hat als eine Temperaturbelastung nach dem Schlupf. Broiler, thermotolerance, heat conditioning, heat stress, physiological parameters, growth Stichworte Zusammenfassung Broiler, Thermotoleranz, Temperaturbelastung, Hitzestress, Physiologie, Wachstum Summary This study was designed to test the effect of pre- and post-hatch temperature conditioning or a combination of both, on the acquisition of heat tolerance during the adult life of broiler chickens. Nine hundred hatching eggs produced by Cobb broiler breeders were incubated at standard incubation conditions until d 16. Half of the eggs were subjected to temperature conditioning for 3 h/day (39.5°C, 65% relative humidity (RH)) at d 16, 17 and 18 of incubation (T group) while the other half Control group (C group) were kept at standard incubation conditions. From the end of d 18 until end of incubation, embryo heat production (HP), gas partial pressure in the air chamber at IP, and blood parameters (T3 and corticosterone) were measured. Also, hatching time for individual chick, body temperature (Tb) and body weight (BW) and the number of hatched chicks were recorded. Hatched chicks were raised under regular conditions. At the age of 3 d, the chicks of each incubation condition group were divided into 2 groups: half of the chicks of each group (C and T) were subjected to thermal conditioning (41.0°C for 6 hours). The other half of the chicks was used as control. The 4 groups of broilers were reared until 42 d of age. During post-hatch period, Tb, blood parameters and BW were again measured. At 42 d all broilers were heat challenged at 35°C for 6 h. After heat challenge, mortality was recorded and blood samples were collected. The results indicate that thermal conditioning during incubation had no effect on hatchability of eggs but prolonged incubation duration, decreased T3 (at IP), corticosterone (at IP and hatch), HP and Tb. Overall, at 3 d post-hatch, prenatal condition increased while post-natal conditioning decreased corticosterone levels. Heat challenge at 42 d post-hatch decreased T3 levels in the TC group and increased corticosterone levels in postnatally conditioned group. Differences between BW become obvious from 28 d post-hatch and were in the following order: TT > CC = CT > TC. At 42, the highest BW was obtained in the broilers of TC group. Heat conditioning at 3 d of age improved heat tolerance in response to heat challenge at 42 d. post-hatch whereas prenatal treatment had a strong negative effect. It is concluded that heat treatment during incubation or during post-hatch life induces completely different effects. Einfluss einer Temperaturbelastung zwischen dem 16. und 18. Bruttag oder in den ersten Tagen während der Aufzucht auf die Physiologie, das Wachstum nach dem Schlupf und die Hitzetoleranz des Embryos Das Ziel der Studie war, den Einfluss der Temperaturbedingungen vor und nach dem Schlupf (sowie einer Kombination von beidem) auf die Entwicklung von Hitzetoleranz im Erwachsenenstadium bei Masthühnern zu untersuchen. Insgesamt 900 Bruteier einer Cobb Elterntierherde wurden unter normalen Brutbedingungen bis zum 16. Bruttag ausgebrütet. Die Hälfte der Eier wurde am 16., 17. und 18. Bruttag (Behandlung T) einer Temperaturbelastung über 3 Stunden je Tag (39,5°C, 65% relative Feuchte) Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 References ARJONA, A.A., D.M. DENBOW and W.D. WEAVER, 1990: Neonatally-induced thermotolerance- physiological-responses. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. 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Seit dem Beginn der Domestikation sind einige tausend Jahre verstrichen, bis die Rassehühnerzucht in Europa und in den USA im 19. Jahrhundert einen richtigen Boom erfahren hat. Die meisten der heutigen Rassen sind erst in den letzten 100 bis 150 Jahren entstanden. Die Vielfalt der Körperformen, Federformen, -farben und -zeichnungen sowie der Körpergrößen und Kammformen ist inzwischen überwältigend. Das faszinierende hieran ist vor allem, dass die Vielfalt auf einen einzigen Haushuhn-Urahnen, das BankivaHuhn, zurückgeht und das Ergebnis konsequenter Zuchtauswahl bei den überwiegend qualitativen Merkmalen ist. Biotechnologie oder Gentechnik waren hierzu in keiner Weise erforderlich. Stephen Green-Armytage, ein herausragender Tierfotograph, hat in dem vorliegenden Buch ‚Verrückte Hühner' anhand vieler, hochwertiger und aussagekräftiger Fotos die Vielfalt im Erscheinungsbild unserer Hühnerrassen dargestellt. Die ursprünglich englisch-sprachige Ausgabe wurde von dem Geflügelexperten Thomas Hellmann in das Deutsche übertragen. Die Titelwahl der deutschen Ausgabe ist allerdings nicht ganz so treffend, da es sich bei den vorgestellten Rassen nicht um ‚verrückte' Arch.Geflügelk. 2/2008 83 mance and thermoregulation after hatch. J. Therm. Biol. 29, 245-250. Correspondence: Okanlawon Onagbesan, Lab for Physiology and Immunology of Domestic Animals, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 30, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium; e-mail: [email protected] sondern eher um ‚skurrile' oder ‚extravagante' Hühner handelt. Das Buch lebt in erster Linie von den herausragenden Fotos. Entsprechend sind die Textpassagen eher kurz gefasst. Neben der Danksagung und einem einführenden Vorwort finden sich nur Textkapitel zur ‚Aufregenden und faszinierenden Welt der Rassehühner' und zu 51 ausgewählten Hühnerrassen. Diese werden mit Beispielfotos von besonderen Gefiederfärbungen und -zeichnungen untermalt, wobei auch immer wieder spektakuläre Aufnahmen eingebaut werden (z.B. Imponiergehabe, Komfortverhalten, usw.). Neben gängigen Hühnerrassen sind auch Exoten vertreten, wie Seidenhühner, Schauhühner (z.B. Onagadori, Jokohama), Haubenhühner, Kampfhuhn- und Zwerghuhn- sowie imposante Großrassen. Anhand vieler weiterer Fotos werden Läufe, Füße, Sporen und Latschenbefiederung, Gefiederzeichnungsarten, Bärte und Bommeln, beeindruckende Kopfformen und die Vielfalt der Kamm- und Schopfformen veranschaulicht. In ähnlicher Weise enthält das Buch auch repräsentative Fotos von Haubenhuhnrassen wie Sultanhühnern, Paduanern und Weißhauben, von gelockten Hühnern (mit Frizzle-Gen), Araucana, Seidenhühnern und Chabos. Das Buch ‚verrückte Hühner' von Stephen Green-Armytage ist ein wirklich äußerst gelungener Bildband, der einzigartige Aufnahmen unserer schönsten und exotischsten Hühnerrassen enthält. Das Buch begeistert sicher gleichermaßen passionierte Züchter wie auch interessierte Laien und kann allen Interessenten von Rassehühnern wärmstens empfohlen werden. Dem Verlag Oertel und Spörer ist mit diesem Buch sicher ein großer Wurf gelungen. Das ausgezeichnete Preisleistungsverhältnis bei einem moderaten Verkaufspreis wird sicher in Bälde eine Neuauflage erforderlich machen. M.A. Grashorn