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Sara Molatore
Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung
Seit 01/2007
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Gruppenleiter: Dr. N.S. Pellegata, Institut für Pathologie, Helmholtz Zentrum
München Neuherberg, Deutschland
Diese Position wurde von Januar 2007 bis Dezember 2008 vom “Centro per la Comunicazione e Ricerca
of the Collegio Ghislieri (Pavia, Italy)” finanziert, durch die Deutsche Krebshilfe von Januar 2009 bis
Dezember 2009 und zurzeit von der DFG im Rahmen des SFB824 Projekts
11/2006 - 12/2006
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Gruppenleiter: Prof. Dr. G.N. Ranzani, Labor für Tumorgenetik, Departement für
Genetik und Mikrobiologie, Universität Pavia, Italien
11/2003 - 10/2006
Doktorarbeit in Genetik und Molekularbiologie
Titel der Arbeit: “hMYH gene mutations associated with familial adenomatous
polyposis and colorectal cancer: in vitro functional analysis”.
Doktorvater: Prof. Dr. G.N. Ranzani, Departement für Genetik und Mikrobiologie,
Labor für Tumorgenetik, Universität Pavia, Italien
Studium der Biologie (Abschluss mit cum laude)
Abschlussarbeit: “MYH gene and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis: a new gene
for an “old” disease”
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. G.N. Ranzani, Universität Pavia, Italien
1. Molatore S., Liyanarachchi S., Irmler M., Perren A., Mannelli M., Ercolino T., Beuschlein F., Jarzab
B., Zoubaa S., Höfler H., Atkinson M.J., Pellegata N.S. “MENX-associated pheochromocytoma
share gene expression patterns with its human counterpart” In preparation
2. Molatore S.*, Marinoni I.*, Lee M., Pulz E., Degli Uberti E.C., Zatelli M.C., Pellegata N.S.
“Functional characterization of two germline p27 mutations causing MEN4” Submitted
3. Pellegata N.S., Miederer M., Molatore S., Marinoni I., Perren A., Spitzweg C., Reder S., Wester HJ., Buck A.K., Schwaiger M. “Functional Imaging of Pheochromocytoma with 11C-HED and 68GaDOTATOC in a Genetically Defined Rat Model of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia” Submitted
4. Costa-Guda J., Marinoni I., Molatore S., Pellegata N.S., Arnold A. “Germline and Somatic
Mutations of CDKN1B encoding p27Kip1 in Sporadic Parathyroid Adenomas” Submitted
5. Molatore S., Kiermaier E., Jung C.B., Lee M., Pulz E., Höfler H., Atkinson M.J., PellegataN.S.
“Characterization of a naturally-occurring p27 mutation predisposing to multiple endocrine tumors”
6. Molatore S.*, Russo M.T.*, D’Agostino V.G., Barone F., Matsumoto Y., Albertini A.M., Minoprio A.,
Degan P., Mazzei F., Bignami M., Ranzani G.N. “Characterization of MUTYH mutations associated
with familial adenomatous polyposis in a mammalian cell-based assay” Human mutation, 2010;
7. Russo M.T., De Luca G., Casorelli I., Degan P., Molatore S., Barone F., Mazzei F., Pannellini T.,
Musiani P., Bignami M. “Role of MUTYH and MSH2 in the Control of Oxidative DNA Damage,
Genetic Instability, and Tumorigenesis” Cancer Research, 2009; 69(10):4372-9.
8. Cattaneo F.*, Molatore S.*, Mihalatos M., Apessos A., Venesio T., Bione S., Grignani P., Ranzani
G.N. “Heterogeneous molecular mechanisms underlying Attenuated Familial Adenomatous
Polyposis” Genetics in Medicine, 2007; 9(12):836-41.
9. Venesio T., Balsamo A., Sfiligoi C., Fuso L., Molatore S., Ranzani G.N., Risio M. “Constitutional
high expression of an APC mRNA isoform in a subset of Attenuated Familial Adenomatous
Polyposis patients” Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2007; 85(3):301-8.
Cattaneo F., Venesio T., Molatore S., Russo A., Fiocca R., Bertario L., Frattini M., Ottini L., Risio
M., Ranzani G.N. “Functional analysis and case-control study of –160C/A polymorphism in CDH1
(E-cadherin) gene promoter: association with risk of cancer” Anticancer Research, 2006;
Molatore S., Ranzani G.N. “Genetics of colorectal polyps” Techniques in Coloproctology, 2004; 8
Suppl 2: s240-2. Review
Venesio T., Molatore S., Cattaneo F., Arrigoni A., Risio M., Ranzani G.N. “High frequency of MYH
gene mutations in a subset of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis” Gastroenterology,
2004; 126(7):1681-5.
Molatore S., Pellegata N.S. “The MENX syndrome and p27: relationships with multiple endocrine
neoplasia” in Neuroendocrinology 2010