Deutsch I Kapitel 4 – Mein Stundenplan Stunde/ Zeit 1 (7:15) 2 (8:15) 3 (9:10) 4/5 5/6 (10:05) (10:35) Pause 6/7 7/8 (11:00) (11:30) 9 (12:25) 10 (1:25) Montag Fach Dienstag Fach Mittwoch Fach Donnerstag Fach Freitag Fach Deutsch I: Kapital 4: Mein Stundenplan... Assignment: Develop your „Traumstundenplan“ (dream schedule) to resemble that of the German school system. Keep in mind the major differences between how our schedules are designed and how theirs are. Either design your own in Word or use the attached, including the name auf deutsch of the teacher that teaches you the subject. Then, write a 25 sentence essay in which you discuss your „Traumstundenplan“, favorite teachers, favorite classes. Writing out the time, tell when you have various classes and when you have lunch. Describe auf deutsch which of the classes are easy and which are difficult. Explain auf deutsch what grades you are getting in these various classes (this is your „traum“). Write about what you doing „wӓhrend der Pause“. Include the days you have certain classes „Am Montag habe ich....“. At the end of your story, please include what you do on the weekend and after school. Be detailed, be thorough, be specific. Do not use a translation machine for this project. This results in a zero and referral to vice principal. To help you: Remember: the period of the day— If a sentence starts with a prep phrase „Am Mittwoch.......“, „Am Donnerstag......“ What must be capitalized throughout???? „I like“ auf deutsch „I don’t like“ My favorite teacher I have my favorite subject To make sentences LONGER and more detailed, you can use „AND“ ( __________________) or because ( _____________________) the adverb you use to indicate LIKING to doing an activity-Requirements: ** You must use at least six verbs OTHER THAN „haben“ and „sein“. ** You must start at least four sentences with prep phrases (am Montag, am Mittwoch). die Note: 10 points Sentence Length and Detail 7 points 3 points outstanding. long sentences. much detail. ok, good. longer sentences. give more detail. poor. Few to no errors. some errors. Proofread please Many errors that impact the understanding of your work. Sentences are phrased correctly some errors. Many errors. Variety in verb and conjugation always correct. Need more variety in verbs. Some conjugation problems. only haben and sein used. Many conjugation problems. Great comprehension of Nom, Acc, Making progress, but a number of genders and mein words shown errors Too many errors made, either in the case or gender... Spelling; Word order: Verb conjugation: Nominative, Accusative, mein words 15 points Completeness of essay: Lots of detail, all themes are addressed, clarity of selfexpression. Excellent 10 points Need more detail. Some parts difficult to understand. Need full sentences. /60 points total!!! AND: /10 Student schedule is provided and follows directions... Teacher notes/comments: 6-0 points many themes not addressed. Not thorough enough!! Need more details!! Sample Project: Kapitel 4 – Mein Stundenplan Stunde/ Zeit Montag Fach Dienstag Fach Mittwoch Fach Donnerstag Fach Freitag Fach 1 Mathe Franzӧzisc h Frei Bio Frei Informatik Bio (7:15) 2 (8:15) 3 (9:10) 4/5 5/6 (10:05) Deutsch Baukunst Kochen Englisch Informatik Erdkunde Erdkunde Deutsch Sport Englisch Informati k Chemi (10:35) Frei Mathe Informati k Erdkunde Chemi Franzӧsisc h Baukunst Deutsch Deutsch Englisch Sport Chor Chor Pause 6/7 7/8 (11:00) (11:30) 9 (12:25) 10 (13:25) Chemilab or Chemilab or Kochen Ich habe viele Fӓcher jeden Tag. Ich liebe Mathe mit Herr Schmidt. Er ist sehr klug und ich lerne viel. Ich habe Chemi mit Frau Braun am Dienstag und Donnerstag und mache Chemilabor am Mittwoch von elf Uhr bis dreizehn Uhr fünfundzwanzig. Ich lerne viel mit Frau Jens in Englischklasse. Ich habe Englisch am Montag und Donnerstag. Ich habe Chor am Donnerstag und Freitagnachmittags. Ich liebe Chor. Wir singen viel in Chor. Ich verstehe Franzӧsisch nicht sehr gut. Frau Weiss ist die Lehrerin und ich lerne nicht viel in Frӓnzosisch. Ich mag Frӓnzosisch nicht. Ich habe keine Klasse frȕh am Freitag. Nach der Schule schwimme ich oder besuche ich mit Freundin. Meine Lieblingsfreundin Jenny und ich gehen oft im Kaufhaus. *** Your essay/story will have more detail, but this is a sample!!***