You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens How to say ‘I have no…….’ Do you remember, how to say: ‘I have a dog’? Well, here it is: Subj. Verb Obj. Ich habe einen Hund I have a dog So, now you want to say that you have no dog. No problem!!!! Here it goes: Subj. Verb Obj. Ich habe keinen Hund I have no dog Have you noticed…..? ‘einen Hund’ ‘ keinen Hund’ has become So, in order to say that you have no ……. ( you need to insert a ‘k’ in front of the einen/eine/ein before the Object! Simple! Well, here it is for a feminine object: Subj. Verb Obj. Ich habe keine Katze I have no cat And here it is for a neuter object: Subj. Verb Obj. Ich habe kein Pferd I have no horse And finally, here it is for a PLURAL object: Subj. Verb Obj. Ich habe keine I have no pets Haustiere