Hallo, mein Name ist Helen Morris. (KEIN

mein Name ist Helen Morris.
(KEIN-word „mein“ has to correspond to the masculine noun “Name”.)
Ich bin einundzwanzig Jahre alt und ich bin Studentin.
(Helen is more than one year old, so we need the plural of the noun „Jahr“ which is „Jahre“.)
(When talking about occupations, professions or nationalities or university subjects and in combination
with a form of “sein/to be” those terms are not preceded by an article. Furthermore “Studentin” takes
the ending “in”, because a female person is speaking. If Helen was a man, it would be “und ich bin
Ich studiere Sprachen an Acadia.
(She studies more than one language, so we need the plural of the noun “Sprache” language, which is
“Sprachen”. Furthermore the German preposition “an” is usually used when translating “at” in terms of
Meine erste Sprache ist Englisch, meine zweite ist Französisch. (Here we have a KEIN-Word plus
adjective construction followed by the feminine noun „Sprache“. Accordingly the possessive “mein”
takes the ending “e” = “meine”, the adjective “erst” as well = “erste”. See rules in your material, Chapter
3). The same applies to “meine zweite” - “Sprache” is missing in the second phrase, but we know that
this construction refers to this noun, even though it is omitted.
Mein Hauptfach ist Spanisch und mein Nebenfach ist Musik.
(Both „Hauptfach“ and „Nebenfach“ are neuter nouns, so the KEIN-Word „mein“ stays like that, no
ending needed.)
An Acadia studieren viele Studenten auch … und andere Studienfächer.
(First of all, note that the word order rules in German say that the verb, in statements, always takes the
second grammatical position. So if you start your sentence with a reference to location “An Acadia” the
second position in this sentence must be occupied by the verb, correctly conjugated of course.
It is “viele” and not “viel” because “Studenten” is a countable noun, and also a plural. Because
“Studienfächer” (subjects) is a plural you also have to add “-e” to the adjective “ander-“.)
Ich arbeite zwei bis drei Stunden jeden Tag. (More than one hour, so we need the plural of
„Stunde“ hour, which is „Stunden“. The construction “jeden Tag” is in object position. Therefore the
adjective “jed-“, because it is followed by the masculine noun “Tag”, takes a new ending “-en” to
indicate this object function.)
Ich mache auch viel Sport. (“viel” and not “viele” because “Sport” is a non-countable noun.
Furthermore, words like “gern”, “auch”, “oft” and others which specify the verb or the action described
in a sentence, are usually put right after the conjugated verb.)
Ich spiele gern Tennis und ich laufe 5 Kilometer jeden Morgen. („jeden Morgen“ is again an adverbial
phrase, a time reference, in object position. The adjective “jed-“ is followed by the masculine noun
“Morgen” and takes the new ending “-en” to indicate this object function.)
Es ist mein erstes Jahr an Acadia und ich lese viel.
(Kein-Word plus adjective plus neuter noun „Jahr“. The adjective takes the strong ending „-es“ to
indicate the gender oft he noun.)
Am Morgen fahre ich zur Universität.
(“am” is used when talking about times of the day, a specific date, for example „Am 7. Oktober”. Note
that again the verb follows immediately after this time referential phrase, thus taking second position in
this sentence.)
Ich habe Vorlesungen bis Viertel vor zwölf.
(„Viertel“ is a noun and has to be capitalized.)
Nach Chemie sehe ich oft Anthony.
(Again, verb takes the second position. “nach” is usually used when translating “after” in contexts of
Seine Klasse beginnt um drei am Nachmittags/nachmittags und endet um vier.
(„His“ is a possessive and has to be translated by „sein“, in this case it it followed by the feminine noun
„Klasse“, so the possessive „sein“ (KEIN-word category) takes the ending „-e“ to indicate the gender of
the following noun. “um” is used you when giving a specific time. “at 3 o´clock” would be “um drei Uhr”
etc. As you can see “at” in time contexts is translated by “um”. “am Nachmittag”, again “am” occurs,
because a time of the day is given.)
Sie dauert nur eine Stunde.
(It has to be “sie” because the personal pronoun substitutes the feminine noun “Klasse” in this case.)
Wir gehen in eine Kneipe oder ein vegetarisches Restaurant.
(KEIN-Word „mein“ takes the ending „-e“ because „Kneipe“ is feminine. The construction “ein
vegetarisches Restaurant” is again a KEIN-Word plus adjective plus neuter noun construction and so all
the endings have to correspond to “Restaurant”.)
Später fahren wir nach Hause/heim nach Wolfville.
(„to“ as a preposition indicating direction (aiming towards sth.) is mostly translated by „nach“. As you
know “nach” can have different meanings, depending on the context.)