Previous issues of Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik.

Previous issues of Groninger Arbeiten zur
germanistischen Linguistik.
GAGL 43, 1999
Ergebnisse des Zusammenarbeit zwischen den sprachwissenschaftlichen
Forschergruppen der Universitäten zu Groningen und Tübingen 1998
Jan Koster—The word orders of English and Dutch: collective vs. individual checking
Jack Hoeksema—Blocking effects in the expression of negation Werner
Abraham—On the syntax and semantics of modal verbs in German Jan-Wouter
Zwart—Object shift with raising verbs Werner Abraham—SVOV im Deutschen:
Schnittstelle zwischen Diskursprominenz und Subjekt-identifikation als
Parsingbedingung Peter Ackema—Does the preverb climb in Hungarian Preverb
Climbing? Victor Sánchez Valencia—Event semantics and secondary predication John te Velde—Another look at subject-object gaps in coordinate structures Walt
Detmar Meurers—Raising spirits (and assigning them case) Hans Smessaert & Alice
G.B. ter Meulen—Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials. 252 pp.
GAGL 42, 1998
Kleanthes K. Grohmann—Syntactic inquiries into discourse: restrictions on multiple
interrogative John Edward Drury—The promise of derivations: atomic merge and
multiple spell-out Jan-Wouter Zwart—Nonargument middles in Dutch Peter
Ackema—On the relation between V-to-I and inflectional features Werner
Abraham—Perfektpartizip: seine angebliche Passivbedeutung im Deutschen:
‘Argumenthypothese’ und ‘Aspekthypothese’ Marjon Helmantel—On the distribution
of postpositions and particles in the verbal complex Werner Abraham—The
morphological and semantic classification of ‘evidentials’ and modal verbs in West
Germanic: the perfect(ive) catalyst. 206 pp.
GAGL 41, 1997
Werner Abraham—Ein Schatz von einem Kind: zur Prädikatssyntax binominaler
Nominalkonstituenten Josef Bayer & Peter Suchsland—Expletiva und leere Subjekte
im Deutschen Christine Czinglar—Bemerkungen zur Existenzbehauptung und
Ortsbestimmung im Deutschen und einer alemannischen Variante Christian
Fortmann—Normalwortstellungsvarianten und ihre lexikalische Kodierung Martin
Haiden—Verbal inflection and the structure of IP in German Martina Wiltschko—DLinking, scrambling und superiority in German Florian Zellmayer—Towards a
minimalist treatment of certain island phenomena and their circumvention Alexandra
Zepter—Was der Germane optimal findet Malte Zimmermann—An empirical study
of quantifier scope in German Aniek Ijbema—Die was für-Konstruktion und Extraktion
aus Nominalphrasen. 296 pp.
GAGL 40, 1997
Guest editor: Kleanthes K. Grohmann
Kleanthes K. Grohmann—On left dislocation Rikardo Etxepare—A Fregean structure
for assertions Kwang-sup Kim—Asymmetries between an antecedent and its trace
Norbert Hornstein—Minimalism and QR Kleanthes K. Grohmann—German
superiority Juan Uriagereka—Multiple spell-out Aniek IJbema—Die IPP-Effekt im
Deutschen und Niederländischen Werner Abraham—The base structure of the
German clause under duscourse functional weight: contentful functional categories vs.
derivative functional categories Enrique Mallen—Full feature specification and
negative lexicalization Aniek IJbema—Minimalismus und Verb(projection)raising Henk Wolf—Default-morphological forms in inverted verbal complexes in Frisian. 256
GAGL 39, 1996
André Meinunger, Discourse dependent DP (de-)placement.
276 pp.
GAGL 38, 1995
Kathrin Cooper, Topics in Zurich German syntax.
220 pp.
GAGL 37, 1994
Minimalism and Kayne’s Asymmetry Hypothesis
C.Jan-Wouter Zwart, guest editor
Werner Abraham—Kaynes Asymmetriehypothese und die Abfolge im V-Komplex Hartmut Czepluch—Word order in English: old problems and new answers Marcel
den Dikken—Minimalist Verb (Projection) Raising Marcel den Dikken & Eric
Hoekstra—No cause for a Small Clause? (Non-)arguments for the structure of
resultatives Elly van Gelderen—Expletives in minimalism: overt versus covert
movement Liliane Haegeman—The typology of agreement and the dissociation of
nominal and verbal AGR Eric Hoekstra—Agreement and the nature of specifiers Jan Koster—Against base-generated scrambling Gertjan Postma—The
morphological cycle Jaume Solá y Pujols—Morphology and syntax in Germanic Wolfgang Sternefeld—Subjects, adjuncts, and SOV-order in Antisymmetric Syntax John te Velde—Feature Checking and Germanic Verb Second: comparing Yiddish,
German, and English Guido Vanden Wyngaerd—IPP and the structure of participles
C. Jan-Wouter Zwart—’Shortest move’ vs. ‘fewest steps’ Christopher
Wilder—Coordination, ATB, and ellipsis. 329 pp.
GAGL 36, 1993
Gisbert Fanselow—Die Rückkehr der Basisgenerierer Caroline Heycock & Anthony
Kroch—Verb movement and the status of subjects: implications for the theory of
licensing Werner Abraham—Ergativa sind Terminativa Anko Wiegel—Binding
double object and ECM-constructions in Dutch and German Edith
Kaan—Extraposition from NP in Dutch: consequences of minimalism Susan
Pintzuk—The distribution and syntax of Old English adverbs Elly van
Gelderen—Reanalysis as a response to grammaticalization. 182 pp.
GAGL 35, 1992
Werner Abraham & Anko Wiegel—Reduktionsformen und Kasussynkretismus bei
deutschen und niederländischen Pronomina Werner Abraham—Structural properties
of information packaging in German and in Universal Grammar Jan-Wouter
Zwart—Subject-intitial V-second in West Flemish: a reply to Haegeman Peter
Gallmann—Dativanhebung? Gereon Müller—Cross over effects, chain formation, and
unambiguous binding Claudia Schmidt—Minimale Derivationen. Eine Untersuchung
zu den Ökonomiebedingungen bei Chomsky (1989) und zur unterschiedlichen
Reichweite von V-Bewegung im Englischen. 210 pp.
GAGL 34, 1992
Werner Abraham—Null subjects: from Gothic, Old High German and Middle High
German to Modern German. From pro-drop to semi pro-drop Liliane Haegeman—On
the relevance of clitic placement for the analysis of subject-initial Verb Second in West
Flemish Wim Kosmeijer—Barriers and Licensing Gereon Müller—Beschränkungen
für W-in-situ Tanya Reinhart and Eric Reuland—Anaphoric Territories Wolfgang
Sternefeld—A Note on the Unification of Subjacency and the ECP Chris
Wilder—Small clauses and related objects Marco Haverkort—Universalgrammatik,
Parameter und Agrammatismus. 260 pp.
GAGL 33, 1991
Uwe Junghanns—Finale Einbettungen im Russischen: Zielsatz? Eric
Hoekstra—Specifiers, complements, and X'-theory Jan-Wouter Zwart—Clitics in
Dutch Alessandra Tomaselli—Cases of V-3 in Old High German Werner
Abraham—The Dutch contribution to Universal Grammar. 148 pp.
GAGL 32, 1991
Gisbert Fanselow, Minimale Syntax.
402 pp.
GAGL 31, 1990
Wolfgang Sternefeld, Syntaktische Grenzen: kritische Darstellung der
N. Chomskys mit einem Anhang zu den Minimalitätstheorien von L.
Rizzi und M. Baker.
170 pp.
GAGL 30, 1989
Josef Bayer—Notes on the ECP in English and German Günther
Grewendorf—Verbbewegung und Negation im Deutschen Werner
Abraham—Epistemische und deontisch/volitive Modalverben Arnim von
Stechow—Categorial grammar and linguistic theory Denis Delfitto—Incorporation
(review of M.C. Baker). 228 pp.
GAGL 29, 1988
Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson—NP-movement in Icelandic Sascha W. Felix—The
structure of functional categories Beatrice Santorini—Variable rules vs. variable
grammar in the history of Yiddish Rosemarie Lühr—Satzverschränkung im heutigen
Deutsch Eric Reuland & Wim Kosmeijer—Projecting inflected verbs Gisbert
Fanselow—Kasusminimalität und L-Markierung Susan Olsen—The possessive
pronoun in German Werner Abraham—Ergative Subjekte, die Partitivlösung und die
DP/NP-Frage. 189 pp.
GAGL 28, 1988
Werner Abraham—Unaccusatives in German Hubert Haider—Nicht-sententiale
Infinitive Giuliana Giusti—On the lack of WH-infinitives with zu and the projection of
Comp in German Arnold Evers—Clause union in French and German Anna
Cardinaletti—Topicalization in German: movement to Comp or base-generation in top
Hans den Besten—Decidability in the syntax of verbs of (not necessarily) WestGermanic languages. 256 pp.
GAGL 27, 1986
Beiträge zu Diskurspartikeln im Deutschen und Niederländischen von: W. Abraham,
E. König, S. Löbner, J. Jacobs, A. Foolen, Ch. van Os, E.. Niehaus, H. Pander
Maat/Chr. Driessen/H. van Mierlo, E. Andringa, H. Westheide, N. Lüdenbach, W.
Vandeweghe. 231 pp.
GAGL 26, 1985
Werner Abraham—Transitivitätskorrelate und ihre formale Einbindung in die
Grammatik Wim Scherpenisse—Scrambling in German Wim Scherpenisse—The
final field in Germanb: extraposition and frozen positions Werner Abraham—The
grammar of German haben. 125 pp.
GAGL 24-25, 1984
Papers from the 6th Groningen Grammar Talks on ‘Topic, focus, and
configurationality’, 6-8 April, 1984
Werner Abraham and Sjaak de Mey, eds.
(24) László Hunyadi—The expression of logical scope in Hungarian: on its syntax and
semantics István Kenesei—On what really figures in a non-configurational language
Ferenc Kiefer—Focus and modality Katalin E. Kiss—The order and scope of
operators in the Hungarian sentence László K. Marácz—Postposition stranding in
Hungarian Gábor Prószéky, László Kálmán, György Kálmán C. & Adám
Nádasdy—Topic, focus and auxiliaries in Hungarian Anna Szabolcsi—From the
definiteness effect to lexical integrity. 218 pp. (25) Werner Abraham—Word order in
the middle field of the German sentence Farrell Ackerman—Verbal modifiers as
argument taking predicates: complex verbs as predicate complexes in Hungarian Hubert Haider—Topic, focus & V-second Eva Hajicová, Petr Sgall and Jarka
Vrbová—Topic, focus, and how to identify them Julia Horvath—Remarks on the
configurationality-issue Joachim Jacobs—The syntax of bound focus in German András Komlósy—Focusing on focus in Hungarian Wim Scherpenisse—Topic, theme
and the German initial field Arnim von Stechow and Susanne Uhmann—On the
focus-pitsch accent relation Sjaak de Mey and Laci Marácz—On question sentences
and the grammar of Hungarian. 299 pp.
GAGL 23, 1983
Jürgen Lenerz—Zur Verbstellung im Deutschen: Synchronie und Diachronie Hubert
Haider—Connectedness effects in German Günther Grewendorf—Reflexivierung im
Deutschen A.c.I.-Konstruktionen - Kein transformationsgrammatisches Dilemma mehr
Josef Bayer—Towards an explanation of certain that-t phenomena: the COMP-node
in Bavarian Erik Reuland—Antecedents in PPs: structural verus linear conditions in
binding. 247 pp.
GAGL 22, 1983
Papers from the 5th Groningen Grammar Talks, 27-28 May 1983
Sascha W. Felix—Parasitic gaps in German Hubert Haider—The case of German Peter Jordens—Die Kasusmarkierung im Deutschen in unvollständigen Sätzen Gesa
Siebert-Ott—Bemerkungen zu den Elementen einer Theorie der Kontrolle HansWerner Eroms—Zu Status und Funktion präpositionaler Kasus im Deutschen. 159 pp.
GAGL 21, 1982
Papers from the 4th Groningen Grammar Talks, 12-13 March 1982
Hubert Haider—Dependenzen und Konfigurationen. Zur deutschen V-Projektion. Hans den Besten—Some remarks on the Ergative Hypothesis Henk van
Riemsdijk—Zum Rattenfängereffekt bei Infinitiven in deutschen Relativsätzen Arnold
Evers—A proposal for sentence qualifying verbs Werner Abraham—Zur
Kontrollbeziehung im Deutschen. 166 pp.
GAGL 20, 1981
Hans den Besten—On the interaction of root transformations and lexical deletive rules
Jan Vat —Left dislocation, connectedness, and reconstruction. 103 pp.
GAGL 19, 1981
Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, 30-31 January 1981
Hans den Besten—Some accompanying remarks on Den Besten & Edmondson, ‘The
verbal complex in Continental West Germanic’ Hans den Besten & Jerold A.
Edmondson—The verbal complex in Continental West Germanic Klaus-Peter
Lange—Warum Ersatzinfinitiv? Eric J. Reuland—V-Hebung und strikte
Subkategorisierung Arnold Evers—Two functional principles for the rule ‘Move V’.
110 pp.
GAGL 18, 1981
Werner Abraham—Einleitung zum Sammelband Zur Fundierung der
Satzgliedrelationen im Deutschen Werner Abraham—Zur Wortstellungssyntax
Deutsch-Niederländisch. 69 pp.
Obtainable from:
Center for Language and Cognition Groningen
P.O. Box 716
NL-9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands
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